螞蟻上樹是四川和重慶的菜式, 是用粉絲, 肉碎加辣豆瓣醬炒成, 由於肉碎沾在粉絲上, 看上去猶如一行行螞蟻在樹上往上爬而命名, 其實這道菜式不太難做, 大家也可以試試哦!
食材 (Ingredients)
豬肉碎 100克 (Ground Pork 100g)
粉絲 100克 (Dry Vermicelli/Glass Noodles 100g)
蔥粒 適量 (Chopped Spring Onion Appropriate)
豬肉醃料 (Pork Marinade)
白糖 0.5茶匙 (Sugar 0.5 teaspoon)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
白胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
豉油 1茶匙 (Soy Sauce 1 teaspoon)
紹興酒 1湯匙 (Shaoxing Rice Wine 1 tablespoon)
調味料 (Seasonings)
薑片 適量 (Ginger Slices Appropriate)
蔥段 適量 (Sectioned Spring Onion Appropriate)
白糖 0.5湯匙 (Sugar 0.5 tablespoon)
雞湯 200克 (Chicken Stock 200g)
老抽 1湯匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon)
辣豆瓣醬 1湯匙 (Spicy Fermented Bean Sauce 1 tablespoon)
步驟 (Steps)
1 豬肉用豬肉醃料醃約30分鐘
Marinate the ground pork with Pork Marinade for about 30 minutes
2 粉絲用清水浸10分鐘至軟身, 瀝乾水分及剪碎
Soak the dry vermicelli in water for 10 minutes until soft. Drain and cut into sections with a pair of scissors
3 大火起鑊, 爆香薑蔥後, 加入豬肉炒至半熟, 放入一大茶匙辣豆瓣醬炒勻
Heat up some oil in a non-sticky pan with high heat, add ginger slices and sectioned spring onion stir until fragrant. Add the ground pork and stir-fry the pork until nearly cooked through. Then add the spicy fermented bean sauce and stir well
4 再加入雞湯, 老抽及糖拌勻
Add chicken stock, dark soy sauce and sugar and mix well
5 倒入浸軟的粉絲
Pour the soaked vermicelli
6 不停兜炒至湯汁收乾, 撒上蔥花, 即成螞蟻上樹
Stir until the sauce thicken, sprinkle with chopped green onion. Serve