2015年10月30日 星期五

梅菜蒸鯇魚 (Steamed Fish Belly with Preserved Cabbage)

很多茶餐廳都有蒸魚套餐供應, 例如常見的梅菜蒸鯇魚, 但魚未必一定新鮮, 有時仲會食到有沙的梅菜, 在家做此菜式一定比在外面的新鮮, 而且做法亦不難, 肉嫩骨少, 連小朋友也不怕梗骨; 如果想令此菜更好味, 記得不只是用甜梅菜, 加點鹹梅菜更出色

食材 (Ingredients)
鯇魚 0.5條 (1/2 Fish Belly)
甜梅菜 2棵 (2 Sweet Preserved Cabbage)
鹹梅菜 1棵 (1 Preserved Cabbage)
薑絲 適量 (Ginger Slices Appropriate)
白糖 適量 (Sugar Appropriate)
蒸魚豉油 適量 (Seasoned Soy Sauce for Seafood Appropriate)
熟油 適量 (Hot Oil Appropriate)
蔥粒 適量 (Chopped Green Onions Appropriate)
芫茜 適量 (Parsley Appropriate)

鯇魚醃料 (Fish Marinade)
海鹽 適量 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
胡椒粉 適量 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 鯇魚洗淨, 用廚房紙抹乾, 用鯇魚醃料腌好
Rinse and dry the fish belly, marinate the fish belly with Fish Marinade

2 薑切絲, 梅菜浸軟後切粒, 蔥切粒, 芫茜切碎, 備用
Slice the ginger, soak the preserved cabbage and chop, also chop the green onions and parsley

3 切好的梅菜用油鑊炒香加白糖後炒勻, 備用
Heat up the oil in a non-sticky pan, add the chopped preserved cabbage and sugar, stir well. Set aside

4 將薑絲放在鯇魚上再鋪上梅菜
Put ginger slices on the top of fish belly. Then top with preserved cabbage

5 放入鑊內蒸約8-10分鐘至熟, 下蔥粒和芫茜碎, 淋上蒸魚豉油及熟油, 即成梅菜蒸鯇魚
Steam the fish belly in a wok for 10 minutes, top with chopped green onions and parsley, pour the seasoned soy sauce for seafood and hot oil on top. Serve hot


