芊如突然很想吃蜆蒸蛋, 相熟魚販介紹了紐西蘭鑽石蜆, 貪其肉質鮮甜, 口感彈牙, 而且受污染較少, 可以安心食用
食材 (Ingredients)
鑽石蜆 600克 (Diamond Clams 600g)
雞蛋 2隻 (2 Chicken Eggs)
薑片2塊 (2 Ginger Slices)
蔥段 隨意 (Sectioned Spring Onion Appropriate)
蔥粒 隨意 (Chopped Spring Onion Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
雞粉 適量 (Chicken Powder Appropriate)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 鑽石蜆清洗乾淨, 記得蜆殼也要徹底洗擦乾淨
Rinse Diamond Clams, scrub and clean the shell thoroughly
2 鍋內燒熱滾水, 加入姜片, 蔥段和鑽石蜆, 蜆殼一開馬上撈起, 白灼蜆的湯要保留
Heat the pot of boiling water, add ginger, spring onion and diamonds clams, cook until they are opened, retain the clam soup
3 雞蛋打散, 將蜆湯注入蛋液拌勻, 雞蛋和蜆湯的比例約1:1
Beat the eggs in a mixing bowl, add clam soup and mix well. Eggs and clam soup ratio of about 1:1
4 將鑽石蜆排放在碟子裹
Place clams inside a steaming plate
5 將蛋液過篩注入碟中, 蛋液不用過多, 只蓋過鑽石蜆一半
Pour the egg mixture on top of the clams and cover half of the clams
6 蒸前包上保鮮紙, 以防有倒汗水
Before steam, cover the steaming plate with plastic wrap to prevent sweat
7 隔水蒸約10分鐘, 食前加上蔥粒, 即成鑽石蜆蒸蛋
Steam for 10 minutes, sprinkle chopped spring onion over, serve hot
1 鑽石蜆可在大型外國超市購買
2 蜆湯記得要先放涼, 才可以注入蛋液中, 否則會變成熱蜆湯撞蛋, 蛋液會熟左!
鑽石蜆 600克 (Diamond Clams 600g)
雞蛋 2隻 (2 Chicken Eggs)
薑片2塊 (2 Ginger Slices)
蔥段 隨意 (Sectioned Spring Onion Appropriate)
蔥粒 隨意 (Chopped Spring Onion Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
雞粉 適量 (Chicken Powder Appropriate)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 鑽石蜆清洗乾淨, 記得蜆殼也要徹底洗擦乾淨
Rinse Diamond Clams, scrub and clean the shell thoroughly
2 鍋內燒熱滾水, 加入姜片, 蔥段和鑽石蜆, 蜆殼一開馬上撈起, 白灼蜆的湯要保留
Heat the pot of boiling water, add ginger, spring onion and diamonds clams, cook until they are opened, retain the clam soup
3 雞蛋打散, 將蜆湯注入蛋液拌勻, 雞蛋和蜆湯的比例約1:1
Beat the eggs in a mixing bowl, add clam soup and mix well. Eggs and clam soup ratio of about 1:1
4 將鑽石蜆排放在碟子裹
Place clams inside a steaming plate
5 將蛋液過篩注入碟中, 蛋液不用過多, 只蓋過鑽石蜆一半
Pour the egg mixture on top of the clams and cover half of the clams
6 蒸前包上保鮮紙, 以防有倒汗水
Before steam, cover the steaming plate with plastic wrap to prevent sweat
7 隔水蒸約10分鐘, 食前加上蔥粒, 即成鑽石蜆蒸蛋
Steam for 10 minutes, sprinkle chopped spring onion over, serve hot
1 鑽石蜆可在大型外國超市購買
2 蜆湯記得要先放涼, 才可以注入蛋液中, 否則會變成熱蜆湯撞蛋, 蛋液會熟左!