2015年5月15日 星期五

檸檬蜜糖 (Lemon Honey)

近日想瘦身, 看到網上有很多分享說每朝早飲一杯蜂蜜檸檬水可以幫助減肥瘦身, 雖然不知功效如何! 但檸檬蜜糖水對身體都是有益的, 而且可以增強抵抗力及令皮膚靚靚

食材 (Ingredients)
檸檬 1個 (1 Lemon)
蜂蜜 0.5瓶 (Honey 0.5 bottle)
粗鹽 適量 (Coarse Sea Salt)

步驟 (Steps)
1 用粗鹽徹底洗淨檸檬表皮, 用過濾水清洗再擦乾
Wash the lemon skin thoroughly with Coarse Sea Salt, clean it with filtered water then pat dry

2 將檸檬切片, 在無水無油的玻璃器皿內先放一層檸檬片再加入蜂蜜蓋面, 再鋪上一層檸檬片再一層蜂蜜如此類推, 直至放滿
Slice the lemon, put a layer of lemon slices in a dry and oil-free glass container first then add honey to cover up, repeat the step and so on until filled

3 放雪櫃數天, 即成檸檬蜜糖
Put it into the refrigerator for few days. Serve


