2015年8月26日 星期三

干燒伊麵 (Braised E-Fu Noodles with Straw Mushrooms)

在酒樓, 餐廳或茶餐廳食到的干燒伊麵, 不是太咸, 太稔, 太油就是太濕, 芊如做這個干燒伊麵不用下食油而且做法簡單, 伊麵的軟硬度可因應個人喜好, 一定比外面吃的伊麵好味而且健康

食材 (Ingredients)
大伊麵 2個 (2 Big E-Fu Noodles)
草菇 15粒 (15 Fresh Straw Mushrooms)
韭黃 200克 (Yellow Chives 200g)

調味料 (Seasonings)
蠔油 1湯匙 (Oyster Sauce 1 tablespoon)
生抽 2茶匙 (Soy Sauce 2 teaspoons)
老抽 2茶匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 2 teaspoons)
黃糖 3茶匙 (Brown Sugar 3 teaspoons)
清水 100-120克 (Water 120g)

步驟 (Steps)
1 草菇洗淨切片, 汆水後瀝乾水份
Rinse straw mushrooms and slice, blanch mushrooms in boiling water and drain

2 韭黃洗淨切段
Rinse yellow chives and cut into sections

3 調味料在碗內拌勻, 備用
Mix the seasonings in a big bowl, set aside

4 燒滾鍋中水, 放入伊麵灼至剛剛軟身, 撈起瀝水備用
Boil a pot of hot water, blanch noodles until just soften and drain

5 鑊中放入拌勻的調味料, 微滾後放入伊麵, 草菇和韭黃, 快炒至軟身伊麵及收汁, 即成
Pour the mixed seasonings into a non-sticky pan, add noodles, mushrooms and yellow chives, stir-fry and simmer. Stir well until all the sauce is evenly coasted to the noodles and thicken. Dish up and serve hot

l 伊麵的軟硬度可自行調教, 喜歡稔身可以煮長一點時間


