2016年1月30日 星期六

豆苗上湯燴花膠 (Braised Fish Maw in Sugar Peas Shoot)

花膠是女士們的美容養顏恩物, 其本身充滿蛋白質, 亦有鈣和磷質, 花膠是在我們日常生活中, 含有豐富骨膠原的食材之一, 當中的黏多醣成分亦可以令皮膚充滿彈性; 今回芊如廚房會做一個既簡單又能宴客的菜式 ~ 豆苗上湯燴花膠, 大家有時間都可以嘗試下!

食材 (Ingredients)
鰵魚膠 2隻 (2 Cod Fish Maws)
金華火腿 15克 (Cured Ham 15g)
瘦肉 70克 (Lean pork 70g)
豆苗 80克 (Sugar Peas Shoot 80g)
薑 4片 (4 Ginger Slices)
蔥 4條 (4 Sectioned Spring Onions)

調味料 (Seasonings)
白糖 少許 (Sugar Appropriate)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Appropriate)
紹酒 1.5茶匙 (Shaoxing Wine 1.5 teaspoons)
麻油 0.5茶匙 (Sesame Oil 0.5 teaspoon)
上湯 1.5杯 (Chicken Broth 1.5 cups)
生粉 0.5茶匙 (Corn Starch 0.5 teaspoon)
清水 1茶匙 (Water 1 teaspoon)
食用油 少許 (Oil Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 豆苗洗淨, 瀝乾水份, 備用
Rinse the sugar peas shoot, drain and set aside

2 將已浸發好的花膠切片, 瘦肉切成塊和金華火腿切片, 及調好生粉水
Slice the soaked fish maw into strips, cut the lean pork into pieces and thinly slice the cured ham. Prepare the corn starch solution

3 燒熱一鍋水, 下豆苗灼熟
Blanch the sweet peas shoot in boiling water

4 將豆苗排好在碟上
Place the veggie on the dish

5 燒熱油後, 下薑蔥爆香後灒紹酒, 蓋上鍋蓋略焗一會
Heat some oil in pan; lightly fry over ginger, spring onions and wine till aroma released. Place lid over pan

6 加入上湯, 瘦肉, 其次是花膠和金華火腿
Add the chicken broth and lean pork. Then the fish maw and the cured ham

7 再下糖, 胡椒粉, 麻油
Then add the sugar, white pepper and sesame oil

8 蓋上鍋蓋至再一次滾起後, 轉細火燜煮20至30分鐘
Once boiled, reduce heat to braise for 20-30 minutes

9 下生粉水勾芡, 至汁變濃稠, 關火
Add corn starch solution and stir until sauce thickens

10 將花膠排放碟上
Place the contents of the pan in the middle of the dish

11 即成簡易豆苗上湯燴花膠
Serve hot and enjoy!


