2016年2月9日 星期二

菊花干貝 (Steamed Quail Eggs Accompanied with Dried Scallops)

一看到咁靚的花花有沒有想一口食左佢的衝動? 這個菊花干貝真的見得下人, 而且開party或當小食也不錯!

食材 (Ingredients)
瑤柱 40克 (Dried Scallops 40g)
鵪鶉蛋 8隻 (8 Quail Eggs)
食用油 少許 (Oil Appropriate)
小杯 8個 (8 Baking Molds)

調味料 (Seasonings)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 瑤柱浸軟後連水蒸60分鐘
Soak the dried scallops until soften, steam the dried scallops with soaking water for 60 minutes

2 小杯塗上一層薄薄的食用油
Spread a thin layer of oil to coat the baking molds

3 瑤柱絲放上已塗食油小杯內, 將鵪鶉蛋液置入小杯內, 大火蒸4分鐘
Place the shredded scallops into the baking molds and pour the quail eggs on top. Use high heat to steam for 4 minutes

4 將蒸熟鵪鶉蛋取出放碟內, 待涼後將鵪鶉蛋離開小杯
Remove the steamed quail eggs from heat and place on a dish, let it cool down and remove the eggs from baking molds

5 灑上海鹽同吃, 即成菊花干貝
Sprinkle with sea salt, serve and enjoy!


