家有鐵板真好, 有時不想開鑊就用鐵板, 洗小一樣野; 而且買了韓國的豚谷司華力腸, 不如做一個超簡單的鐵板韓式司華力腸,新手亦無難度, 而且配啤酒一流!
重溫其他鐵板食譜, 可點擊: 黑椒牛排(Sizzling Steak in Black Pepper Sauce)
食材 (Ingredients)
司華力腸 3條 (3 Cervelat Sausages)
洋蔥 0.5個 (0.5 Onion)
牛油 適量 (Butter Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
黑胡椒碎 隨意 (Black Pepper Flake Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 司華力腸用水略烚, 用廚房紙印乾水份, 斜切成片
Pre-cook the sausages in boiling water, pat dry and slice it the length
2 洋蔥切條, 備用
Cut the onion into strips, set aside
3 鐵板依次序放入牛油, 洋蔥條, 灑上海鹽, 再加入司華力腸及灑上黑胡椒碎
Put the butter, onion strips on sizzling plate, sprinkle some sea salt, add the sausages and black pepper flake on top
4 放鐵板於明火上, 用筷子兜炒至洋蔥條軟身及腸仔轉金黃
Heat up the sizzling plate with high heat, stir-fry until onion soft and sausages turn light brown
5 上桌, 即成惹味鐵板韓式司華力腸
Serve hot and enjoy!