天氣又濕又熱最想吃的就是涼拌菜, 清涼爽口又不油膩, 即使食多左也不覺有負擔!
食料 (Ingredients)
金菇 1包 (Golden Needle Mushrooms/Enoki Mushrooms 1 pack)
青瓜絲 隨意 (Cucumber Strips Appropriate)
紅椒絲 隨意 (Red Bell Pepper Strips Appropriate)
黃椒絲 隨意 (Yellow Bell Pepper Strips Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
海鹽 1茶匙 (Sea Salt 1 teaspoon)
白糖 1茶匙 (Sugar 1 teaspoon)
白醋 0.5茶匙 (White Vinegar 0.5 teaspoon)
麻油 0.5茶匙 (Sesame Oil 0.5 teaspoon)
步驟 (Step)
1 金菇切去根部, 用熱水焯熟金茹, 放凉及瀝乾水份
Remove the tough ends of golden needle mushrooms/enoki mushrooms, boil the mushrooms until just cooked through. Transfer to a colander drain and set aside
2 青瓜, 紅椒, 黄椒切絲及與金菇拌勻, 備用
Prepare the rest of the vegetables. Combine them with mushrooms in a bowl
3 吃前加入調味料, 即成涼拌金菇, 可作前菜之用
Right before serving, pour sauce over the salad and mix well. Serve immediately as a side or an appetizer