家常小菜一定小不了京葱牛肉, 簡單易做而且好味道
食材 (Ingredients)
牛柳肉 400克 (Beef Tenderloin Slices 400g)
京蔥 200克 (Leeks 200g)
薑片 少許 (Ginger Slice)
牛肉醃料 (Beef Marinade)
蠔油 適量 (Oyster Sauce)
白糖 少許 (Sugar)
生粉 0.5茶匙 (Cornstarch 0.5 teaspoon)
生油 少量 (Oil)
步驟 (Steps)
1 牛柳肉用牛肉醃料醃15分鐘
Marinate the beef slices with Beef Marinade for 15 minutes
2 京蔥洗淨切片, 薑去皮洗淨切片
Wash the leeks and cut it into slice, ginger remove the skin and cut into slice
3 燒熱油鑊, 加入薑和牛肉快炒至半熟, 再下京蔥炒至顏色變翠綠, 即成京蔥牛肉
Heat the non-sticky pan with oil until hot. Add in the ginger slice and beef, stir-fry the ingredients until the beef is half cooked, then add in the leeks, stir-fry it until the leeks are nicely soft and green. Dish it up and serve it hot
蠔油 適量 (Oyster Sauce)
白糖 少許 (Sugar)
生粉 0.5茶匙 (Cornstarch 0.5 teaspoon)
生油 少量 (Oil)
步驟 (Steps)
1 牛柳肉用牛肉醃料醃15分鐘
Marinate the beef slices with Beef Marinade for 15 minutes
2 京蔥洗淨切片, 薑去皮洗淨切片
Wash the leeks and cut it into slice, ginger remove the skin and cut into slice
3 燒熱油鑊, 加入薑和牛肉快炒至半熟, 再下京蔥炒至顏色變翠綠, 即成京蔥牛肉
Heat the non-sticky pan with oil until hot. Add in the ginger slice and beef, stir-fry the ingredients until the beef is half cooked, then add in the leeks, stir-fry it until the leeks are nicely soft and green. Dish it up and serve it hot