有沒有嘗試過自家弄在潮州酒家或潮式雜貨店也可以吃到的潮式醃螄蚶? 其實只要買到新鮮的食材及處理得宜, 一定較在外面吃的衛生
食材 (Ingredients)
螄蚶 600克 (Cockies 600g)
醃料 (Marinade)
白糖 25克 (Sugar 25g)
魚露 80克 (Fish Sauce 80g)
白醋 25克 (White Vinegar 25g)
玫瑰露 適量 (Rosolio)
指天椒 隨意 (Red Chili)
蒜頭 隨意 (Garlic)
芫茜 隨意 (Coriander)
薑 隨意 (Ginger)
步驟 (Steps)
1 將螄蚶殼用刷子刷乾淨, 瀝乾備用
Rub the shells with brush to remove the dirt, pat it dry
2 指天椒, 蒜頭, 芫茜及薑切成小粒, 加入糖,魚露,白醋,玫瑰露拌勻,備用
Chop chili, garlic, coriander and ginger in small pieces, add sugar, fish sauce, vinegar and rosolio and mix it
3 燒滾一鍋水, 勺螄蚶約30秒馬上撈起
Boil hot water, turn off the heat and add the cockles to the boiling water for 30 seconds, take the cockles out from hot water
4 把勺好的螄蚶放進醬汁內, 用密實盒或包保鮮紙, 放雪櫃最少6個小時, 即成潮式醃螄蚶
Let the cockles soak in the marinade, pop into the fridge for at least 6 hours or overnight. Serve