見飲食男女介紹美味炸雞脾, 忍不住也來做一客給自己當下午茶
食材 (Ingredients)
雞脾 1 隻 (1 Chicken Leg)
沙律菜 適量 (Veggie)
醃料 (Marinade)
生抽 1 茶匙 (Soy Sauce 1 teaspoon)
老抽 少許 (Dark Soy Sauce)
海鹽 0.5 茶匙 (Sea Salt 0.5 teaspoon)
白糖 0.5 茶匙 (Sugar 0.5 teaspoon)
蒜粉 隨意 (Garlic Powder)
胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 洗淨雞脾用廚房紙抹乾, 在雞肉(特別是厚肉的位置)刺細孔
Rinse chicken leg and pat dry with kitchen paper. Poke some holes in the chicken (especially the thicken meat part)
2 拌勻調味料, 雞脾最少醃兩個小時
Mix all the Marinade together in a container. Marinate the chicken leg for 2 hours
3 用廚房紙印乾已醃好的雞脾, 風乾(芊如是用風扇吹乾)
Pat dry the marinated chicken leg and air-dried (Chin Yu uses electric fan)
4 燒熱滾油, 收細火, 把雞脾炸熟至金黃色
Once oil is hot and ready for frying, turn to low heat, place chicken leg into the oil until nicely golden brown
5 器皿上放上沙律菜及雞脾, 即成惹味生炸雞脾
Place veggie and chicken leg on dish, serve in hot