食材 (Ingredients)
貴妃蚌 4隻 (4 Short Necked Clams)
粉絲 適量 (Dry Vermicelli/Glass Noodles Appropriate)
指天椒粒 隨意 (Red Chillies Appropriate)
葱粒 隨意 (Chopped Spring Onion Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
蒜蓉 3茶匙 (Chopped Garlic 3 teaspoons)
蒸魚豉油 適量 (Seasoned Soy Sauce for Seafood Appropriate)
熟油 適量 (Hot Oil Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 貴妃蚌洗淨, 記得將啡黑色的內臟切去不要
Trim and discard the black portion at the underside of the claims. Rinse and set aside
2 粉絲用水浸至軟身, 瀝乾水分及剪碎, 備用
Soak the dry vermicelli in water until soft. Drain and cut into sections with a pair of scissors
3 指天椒及青葱切成粒狀, 蒜頭切成蓉, 備用
Chop the red chillies, spring onion and garlic
4 將浸軟瀝乾水的粉絲和蒜蓉放貴妃蚌上, 用大滾水蒸3-4分鐘, 熄火
Twirl vermicelli and place them in the center of a clam shell and add garlic on top. Steam at high heat for 3-4 minutes
5 隔去碟中多餘的水分, 灑上指天椒及葱粒, 下蒸魚豉油及贊熟油, 即成蒜蓉粉絲蒸貴妃蚌
Remove excessive water from the plate, top steamed clams with chopped red chillies and spring onion. Pour the seasoned soy sauce for seafood and hot oil over the clams. Serve immediately