2017年1月1日 星期日

薑酒門鱔 (Conger Eel with Ginger and Wine)

咸菜炆門鱔是潮州菜式, 亦是芊如由細食都大的家鄉菜, 今次芊如不加咸酸菜, 只用薑及料理酒, 味道亦同樣非常之好, 配飯一流!

食材 (Ingredients)
門鱔 600克 (Conger Eel 600g)
薑 4-5片 (4-5 Ginger Slices)
蒜粒 5-6瓣 (Chopped Garlic 5-6 cloves)
指天椒 隨意 (Chopped Red Pepper Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)

海鹽 適量 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
料理酒 適量 (Cooking Wine Appropriate)
清水 適量 (Water Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 門鱔洗淨, 用廚房紙印乾及切件, 用少許鹽醃一會
Rinse the eel and pat dry and cut into pieces, Slightly marinate with marinade

2 薑切片, 蒜頭拍扁, 指天椒切碎, 備用
Slice the ginger and chop garlic and red pepper, set aside

3 起鑊大火爆香薑片, 蒜粒和指天椒, 加門鱔炒至5成熟, 加入料理酒和清水用中火炆熟
Heat up some oil on high heat. Add ginger, garlic and red pepper to sauté until aromatic. Add the eel and cook half done. Add cooking wine and water, braise it in medium heat until fully cooked

4 試味後可因個人口味添加海鹽及胡椒粉, 即成薑酒門鱔
Taste it and add some sea salt and white pepper flake if necessary. Enjoy!


