雞翼做法多多, 今次就來做個簡易鹽焗雞翼, 鹹香10足
食材 (Ingredients)
雞中翼 12隻 (Chicken Wings 12 pcs)
薑絲 適量 (Ginger Slices Appropriate)
蔥段 適量 (Sectioned Spring Onion Appropriate)
雞翼醃料 (Chicken Marinade)
鹽焗雞粉 1包 (Spicy Bake Mix 1 small bag)
紹興酒 2湯匙 (Shaoxing Rice Wine 2 tablespoons)
麻油 適量 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)
調味醬汁 (Dipping Sauce)
沙薑粉 1湯匙 (Sand Ginger Powder 1 tablespoon)
薑茸 適量 (Minced Ginger Appropriate)
胡椒粉 1茶匙 (White Pepper Flake 1 teaspoon)
熟油/麻油 2茶匙 (Hot Oil/Sesame Oil 2 teaspoon)
步驟 (Steps)
1 雞翼洗淨, 用廚房紙印乾水份
Rinse chicken wings and pat dry
2 在雞翼底部刺小孔
Poke some holes on the chicken wings gently
3 用雞翼醃料醃雞翼至少4小時 (醃過夜更佳)
Marinate the chicken with Chicken Marinade for 4 hours (marinate overnight better)
4 薑切絲, 蔥切段, 備用
Slice the ginger and section the spring onion, Set aside
5 在碗內拌勻調味醬汁, 備用
Mix the Dipping Sauce in a mixing bowl
6 燒熱油鑊, 下薑蔥爆香, 放入雞翼和雞翼醃料, 蓋上鑊蓋以中火焗 10分鐘
Heat the pan with oil, add the ginger slices and sectioned spring onion, stir-fry until smelling. Add the chicken wings and chicken marinade, cover the pan lid and gently simmer for about 10 minutes
7 熄火再多焗10分鐘, 上碟即成鹽焗雞翼, 用步驟5之調味醬汁蘸雞翼
Baked flameout for 10 more minutes. Serve hot with Dipping Sauce (Step 5)
1 步驟2 刺小孔方便入味