2016年8月21日 星期日

紫蘇葉蒸排骨 (Steamed Spare Ribs with Shiso Leaves)

一唸起紫蘇葉時, 不其然會聯想到係唔係蒸大閘蟹那些紫蘇葉呀? 是的, 但那些是曬乾了的紫蘇葉! 新鮮的紫蘇葉是植物香料, 其香味獨特清新, 帶輕微辛辣但容易入口, 能誘發食欲; 芊如這個紫蘇葉蒸排骨便是用了新鮮紫蘇葉, 蒸時已香味四溢, 下飯一流!

食材 (Ingredients)
排骨 400克 (Pork Spare Ribs 400g)
紫蘇碎 1片 (1 Chopped Shiso Leaves)

排骨醃料 (Ribs Marinade)
海鹽 1茶匙 (Sea Salt 1 teaspoon)
生抽 1湯匙 (Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon)
白糖 1茶匙 (Sugar 1 teaspoon)
料理酒 1茶匙 (Cooking Wire 1 teaspoon)
紫蘇碎 約 6片 (6 Chopped Shiso Leaves)
蒜蓉 3瓣 ((Chopped Garlic 3 cloves)
生粉 1茶匙 (Core Starch 1 teaspoon)
麻油 適量 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 排骨洗淨, 用廚房紙印乾水份, 置深碗內, 備用
Rinse the ribs and pat dry, place it in a container, set aside

2 紫蘇葉洗淨切碎, 蒜頭剁成蓉
Rinse the shiso leaves and chop, chop the garlic

3 準備排骨醃料倒入盛排骨的深碗內 (記得留起約1片份量的紫蘇葉碎作上桌時用)
Marinate the spare ribs with ribs marinade (remember to keep 1 chopped shiso leaves for final use)

4 充分拌勻所有醃料, 放雪櫃醃最少4個小時 (醃過夜更佳)
Mix well, and marinate the ribs for at least 4 hours (the longer the better)

5 醃好的排骨置回室溫, 可於此時將排骨平鋪在一深碟上
Put the marinated ribs to room temperature. Place the ribs on the steaming dish

6 燒熱鑊中水, 用中大火蒸排骨10分鐘
Boil some water in a wok, steam the ribs with medium high heat for 10 minutes

7 上桌, 再灑上剩餘的紫蘇葉碎, 即成紫蘇葉蒸排骨, 趁熱享用
Sprinkle the rest of the shiso leaves on top of the ribs, serve hot and enjoy!


