2016年8月6日 星期六

玉子蝦仁 (Steamed Bean Curd and Shrimp)

玉子蝦仁是一道簡易的家常菜, 亦是芊如的其中一個減肥食譜; 玉子本身低鈉, 有飽腹感, 而蝦仁幾乎不含脂肪而且有豐富蛋白質, 很適合減磅時食用, 就算宴客亦不失禮!

食料 (Ingredients)
海蝦 8隻 (8 Shrimps)
玉子豆腐 2條 (Silky Tofu 2 packets)
蔥粒 隨意 (Chopped Spring Onions Appropriate)
生粉水 適量 (Corn Starch Mixture Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
蠔油 適量 (Oyster Sauce Appropriate)
胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
麻油 隨意 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 海
剝殼和蝦腸, 澈底洗淨和用廚房經印乾水份..... 詳情可參考連結: 如何令蝦肉爽脆彈牙
Peel and devein the shrimps. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry with kitchen paper

2 玉子豆腐切段, 放在碟子上
Cut the silky tofu into thick pieces

3 蔥切粒, 備用
Chop the spring onions, set aside

4 玉子豆腐表面各放一隻蝦仁
Place a shrimp at the centre of each tofu slice.

5 燒滚大鍋水, 撒少許海鹽在玉子蝦仁上, 大火蒸4-5分鐘
Sprinkle some sea salt and steam in a wok/steamer over high heat for about 4 to 5 minutes

6 蒸起後把碟底的水份倒入碗中, 加調味料均匀
After steam, pour the water into a container and mix with seasonings

7 於鍋中放入步驟6, 加入生粉水待形成薄薄的芡汁
Add the step 6 into a frying-pan, thicken with corn starch mixture

8 把芡汁倒入蒸好的玉子蝦仁上, 下蔥花, 即成嫩滑玉子蝦仁
Pour the step 7 onto it. Add the spring onions. Serve hot and enjoy!


