腸仔煎蛋加片多士, 是很多人愛吃的早餐, 今次芊如將方包用心型膠模拿走部份麵包, 再加入蛋液和腸仔, 特別得來卻又簡單易做!
食材 (Ingredients)
方包 1塊 (1 Sandwich Bread)
雞蛋 1隻 (1 Chicken Egg)
腸仔1條 (1 Sausage)
牛油 適量 (Butter Appropriate)
工具 (Tools)
心型膠模 (Heart-Shaped Cutter)
步驟 (Steps)
1 將方包用心型膠模切去麵包中央及塗上牛油
Use heart-shaped cutter to cut out the middle of the bread and coat with butter
2 將雞蛋打成蛋液
Whisk the egg properly
3 腸仔切片
Slice the sausage
4 用中火燒熱平底油鑊, 將方包的一面煎至金黃及反轉
Heat some oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Pan-fry one side of the bread until golden brown and flip around
5 將蛋液注入心型洞中煎1分鐘
Place the egg in the heart shape hole and pan-fry for 1 minute
6 加入腸仔片煎至方包底部金黃及蛋液至喜歡的熟度
Add the sausage slices and pan-fry until the bottom of the bread turns golden brown and the egg until you reach your desired doneness
7 上碟, 即成腸仔煎蛋多士
Dish up, serve hot and enjoy!