咸魚蒸肉餅, 真係唸起都流口水, 而且芊如今次用的是大澳出品的咸魚, 加上軟滑又多肉汁的豬肉餅, 配飯真係無得頂呀!
食材 (Ingredients)
梅頭豬肉 約300克 (Pork Collar Bott 300g)
鹹魚 1片 (Salted Fish 1 slice)
薑片 適量 (Ginger Slice Appropriate)
豬肉醃料 (Pork Marinade)
白糖 0.5茶匙 (Sugar 0.5 teaspoon)
胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
生抽 1湯匙 (Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon)
蠔油 0.5 茶匙 (Oyster Sauce 0.5 teaspoon)
麻油 隨意 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)
粟粉 1茶匙 (Cornstarch 1 teaspoon)
清水 2湯匙 (Water 2 tablespoons)
步驟 (Steps)
1 豬肉洗淨及剁碎
Rinse the pork and mince
2 將豬肉碎用調味料拌勻, 加水時分數次逐少加, 順同一個方向攪, 醃30分鐘
Mix pork with pork marinade ingredients except the starch. Pour water in the minced pork several times. Mix them vigorously in one direction until fluffy, rest for 30 minutes
3 咸魚用薑片, 少許生油蒸5分鐘, 備用
Salted fish with ginger and some oil and steam for 5 minutes, set aside
4 置醃好的豬肉於淺碟中, 加上蒸好的咸魚及薑片
Pat the marinated minced pork into serving dish, place the steamed salted fish over the patty and sprinkle the ginger all over.
5 燒滾鑊中水, 隔水用大火蒸約10至12分鐘, 讓豬肉餅留在鑊中 3分鐘後取出即成, 趁熱享用
Steam over high heat for 10-12 minutes. rest the steamed pork in wok for 3 minutes. Take out and serve hot and enjoy
1 用手剁豬肉吃起來更富口感, 因為會有少量的筋未斷, 吃起來更爽更彈牙
2 步驟2的加水時分數次逐少加, 是要讓豬肉更容易吸收水分, 令肉餅更軟滑更多汁
梅頭豬肉 約300克 (Pork Collar Bott 300g)
鹹魚 1片 (Salted Fish 1 slice)
薑片 適量 (Ginger Slice Appropriate)
豬肉醃料 (Pork Marinade)
白糖 0.5茶匙 (Sugar 0.5 teaspoon)
胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
生抽 1湯匙 (Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon)
蠔油 0.5 茶匙 (Oyster Sauce 0.5 teaspoon)
麻油 隨意 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)
粟粉 1茶匙 (Cornstarch 1 teaspoon)
清水 2湯匙 (Water 2 tablespoons)
步驟 (Steps)
1 豬肉洗淨及剁碎
Rinse the pork and mince
2 將豬肉碎用調味料拌勻, 加水時分數次逐少加, 順同一個方向攪, 醃30分鐘
Mix pork with pork marinade ingredients except the starch. Pour water in the minced pork several times. Mix them vigorously in one direction until fluffy, rest for 30 minutes
3 咸魚用薑片, 少許生油蒸5分鐘, 備用
Salted fish with ginger and some oil and steam for 5 minutes, set aside
4 置醃好的豬肉於淺碟中, 加上蒸好的咸魚及薑片
Pat the marinated minced pork into serving dish, place the steamed salted fish over the patty and sprinkle the ginger all over.
5 燒滾鑊中水, 隔水用大火蒸約10至12分鐘, 讓豬肉餅留在鑊中 3分鐘後取出即成, 趁熱享用
Steam over high heat for 10-12 minutes. rest the steamed pork in wok for 3 minutes. Take out and serve hot and enjoy
1 用手剁豬肉吃起來更富口感, 因為會有少量的筋未斷, 吃起來更爽更彈牙
2 步驟2的加水時分數次逐少加, 是要讓豬肉更容易吸收水分, 令肉餅更軟滑更多汁