左口魚一般也用薑蔥蒸, 今次用了老陳皮代替薑絲, 味道不錯呀!
食材 (Ingredients)
左口魚 1條 (1 Flounder Fish)
老陳皮 適量 (Sun-Dried Tangerine Peel, Chenpi Appropriate)
料理酒 適量 (Cooking Wire Appropriate)
蔥粒 隨意 (Spring Onion Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
蒸魚豉油 適量 (Seasoned Soy Sauce for Seafood Appropriate)
熟油 適量 (Heat Oil Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 陳皮用清水浸約30分鐘至軟身, 去囊洗淨, 印乾水分, 切絲備用
Soak the sun-dried tangerine peel for 30 minutes, scrape the white pith from the inside of peel, pat dry and shred
2 左口魚去鳞及清洗, 印乾水分(包括魚身, 魚肚及鰓的位置), 在魚肚及魚頭內掃少許料理酒, 魚身放上陳皮絲待10分鐘
Wash and pat dry the fish inside and out, sweep cooking wine in fish belly and head. Put the tangerine peel on the top of the fish for 10 minutes
3 大火蒸約6至8分鐘取出, 灑上蔥粒及蒸魚豉油, 淋上滾熱食用油, 即成陳皮清蒸左口魚
Heat the pan with water over high heat. Once the water is boiled, steam the fish for 6-8 minutes. Sprinkle the spring onion, pour the seasoned soy sauce and heat oil over to the fish. Serve in hot