2015年6月17日 星期三

剁椒雞翼 (Steamed Chicken Wings with chopped Bell Peppers ~ Duojiao)

剁椒是湖南的特色食品, 出名的菜式當然是剁椒魚頭, 但其實用剁椒也可以做出各種各樣的菜式, 例如芊如今次做的剁椒雞翼

食材 (Ingredients)
雞翼10隻 (10 Chicken Wings)
剁椒醬 隨意 (Duojiao Sauce Appropriate)
蔥花 隨意 (Chopped Spring Onions Appropriate)

雞翼醃料 (Chicken Marinade)
雞粉 少許 (Chicken Powder Appropriate)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
玫瑰露酒 少許 (Rosolio Appropriate)
薑蓉 少許 (Minced Ginger Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 雞翼洗淨, 用廚房紙抹乾
Rinse chicken wings and pat dry with kitchen paper

2 用雞翼醃料醃大約3個鐘頭或以上
Marinate the chicken wings with chicken marinade for at least 3 hours (the longer the better)

3 蒸前加入剁椒醬
Spread the duojian sauce over the chicken wings

4 燒熱鍋中水, 大火蒸十分鐘
Boil some water in a wok and steam for 10 minutes over high heat

5 灑上蔥花, 即成剁椒雞翼
Sprinkle the chopped spring onions over the top of the wings. Serve hot and enjoy!

剁椒醬本身已經咸味十足, 用少量雞精只係令雞翼本身有底味, 記得要輕手呀!


