2015年11月8日 星期日

清炒萵筍 (Stir-Fried Celtuce Stem)

萵苣肉質脆嫩, 清甜鮮美, 營養價值亦高, 除了作為涼拌菜式外, 也可做清炒萵筍

有些朋友仔不知道萵荀的長相, 其實係咁樣的

食材 (Ingredients)
萵荀 2條 (2 Chinese lettuce or Chinese Stem Celtuce)
蒜蓉 適量 (Chopped Garlic Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
雞粉 適量 (Chicken Powder Appropriate)
白醋 少許 (White Vinegar Appropriate)

步驟 (Step)
1 萵荀鏟去表面硬皮及清淨
Peel the skin of stem and rinse

2 萵筍切成片及瀝乾水份
Cut it into thin pieces and drain

3 蒜剁成蓉, 備用
Chop garlic clove, set aside

4 燒熱油鑊, 下蒜蓉爆香, 下萵筍片炒勻, 下調味料炒至萵筍片軟身, 上碟, 即成清炒萵筍
Heat up some oil in wok; add garlic to stir-fry until smelling the taste of garlic. Add Celtuce Stem pieces, sprinkle the seasonings and mix together. Stir-fry until it nicely soft. Dish it up and serve


