乳鴿肉質鮮美, 製作方法層出不窮, 可烤可炸亦可鹵水, 今次芊如用焗爐做這個紅燒乳鴿, 用麥牙糖水和白醋可以做出脆皮效果!
食料 (Ingredients)
乳鴿 5隻 (5 Pigeon)
薑片 隨意 (Ginger Slices Appropriate)
蔥段 隨意 (Sectioned Spring Onions Appropriate)
清水 1公升 (Water 1 liter)
調味料 (Seasonings)
白鹵水包 1包 (1 Brine pack)
生抽 2湯匙 (Soy Sauce 2 tablespoons)
老抽 1湯匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon)
白醋 少許 (White Vinegar Appropriate)
麥牙糖水 少許 (Maltose Water Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 乳鴿洗淨, 用廚房紙印乾水分
Wash and wipe dry the pigeons
2 高身鍋中用高火爆香薑蔥, 加入清水及放入白鹵水包30分鐘至出味, 再加入生抽和老抽
Heat up some oil on high heat in a deep sauté pan, add ginger slices and green onions to sauté until aromatic. Add water and brine pack, cook for 30 minutes, then add the soy sauce and dark soy sauce
3 細火放乳鴿煮30分鐘, 再開火煮至滾, 然後關火浸30分鐘 (留意: 鹵水汁要浸過乳鴿)
Place the pigeons inside the pan using low heat and cook for 30 minutes, switch to high heat until the sauce boils again. Turn the heat off and soak for for 30 minutes. (Pay attention: the braising sauce should cover the pigeons)
4 將乳鴿放涼, 放雪櫃最少4小時
Refrigerate the braised pigeons for at least 4 hours
5 將乳鴿放回室温, 印乾水分, 風乾約2-3小時 (芊如用的是風扇)
Place the pigeons at room temperature to cool. Pat dry and air dry for about 2-3 hours (Chin Yu using electric fan)
6 塗上白醋加麥牙糖水, 放入已預熱的焗爐用220°C焗15分鐘
Apply the white vinegar and maltose water. Bake in preheated oven with 220°C for 15 minutes
7 反轉鴿身再用200度焗8-10分鐘至金黃, 從焗爐中取出, 靜待10分鐘及切件, 即成紅燒乳鴿
Flip the pigeons over and bake for another 8-10 minutes till golden brown. Remove from the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes before cutting into pieces. Serve hot and enjoy!
1 白鹵水包可在醬油店購買, 芊如今次用的是在台北旅行時購買的
2 麥牙糖水是用麥牙糖加水, 份量隨意