2016年3月26日 星期六

滑蛋炒蝦仁 (Scrambled Eggs with Shrimps)

芊如是蝦痴, 什麼蝦怎樣煮都十二分之喜歡, 特別是軟嫩的炒蛋配上清脆的蝦仁, 非常美味!

食材 (Ingredients)
鮮蝦 200克 (Shrimps 200g)
雞蛋 4隻 (4 Eggs)
生粉 適量 (Corn Starch Appropriate)

蝦醃料 (Shrimp Marinade)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
白糖 少許 (Sugar Appropriate)
麻油 隨意 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)
生粉 適量 (Corn Starch Appropriate)

蛋調味料 (Egg Seasonings)
生抽 適量 (Soy Sauce Appropriate)
食用油 適量 (Oil Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 蝦剝殼, 去掉蝦腸, 洗淨後用生粉拌勻, 再用水洗(重複數次), 用廚房紙印乾水份
Peel the shrimps and devein, clean it will corn starch and wash (repeat several times) and pat dry

2 用蝦調味料醃蝦約15分鐘
Marinate the shrimps with marinade for about 15 minutes

3 雞蛋加入蛋調味料用叉拌勻, 備用
Take beaten eggs and stir in the egg seasonings

4 燒熱油鑊, 先炒蝦仁至7成熟, 盛起及瀝乾, 備用
Heat up some oil in a wok, add the shrimp and stir-fry briefly, until they turn pink. Remove and drain.

5 再一次燒紅油鑊, 油要非常之滾熱才下蛋液, 快炒幾下落蝦仁
Heat up oild again and turn the heat on high. When oil is hot, add the egg mixture. Scramble gently then add the shrimp

6 快手將蛋炒好, 蛋不用炒得太熟, 盛起即成嫩滑蝦仁炒蛋
Continue scrambling until the eggs are almost cooked but still moist. Remove from the heat and serve!

1 步驟2 用生粉拌勻蝦, 再用水洗(重複幾次), 可令蝦肉更爽身


