2016年4月17日 星期日

紅洋蔥素天使麵 (Angel Hair Pasta with Red Onion)

女生大多愛吃天使麵, 而紅洋蔥亦有超強抗氧化的功效, 此菜式味道可口外連素食人士也適宜, 快來試做吧!

食材 (Ingredients)
天使麵 150克 (Angel Hair pasta 150g)
紅洋蔥 0.5隻 (0.5 Red Onion)
蒜頭 40克 (Garlic Clove 40g)
羅勒葉 20克 (Basil 20g)

調味料 (Seasonings)

橄欖油 適量 (Olive Oil Appropriate)
雞湯 150克 (Chicken Broth 150g)
海鹽 適量 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
雜香草碎 隨意 (Mixed Herbs Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)

1 紅洋蔥去皮切粒, 蒜頭切片及羅勒洗淨切絲
Peel and chop the red onion, slice the garlic clove, rinse basil and shred

2 燒熱平底鑊放入橄欖油, 中火將蒜蓉爆至金黃
Heat some olive oil in a frying-pan, saute the garlic with medium heat until nicely brown

3 下紅洋蔥粒, 羅勒葉, 雞湯及海鹽, 煮滾後熄火待用
Add the red onion, basil, chicken broth and sea salt until boil. Turn off the heat and set aside

4 燒熱鍋中水, 下天使麵煮2分鐘撈起
Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling water for 2 minutes or until al dente

5 將天使麵放入步驟3的平底鑊中, 用中火將天使麵再煮 1.5分鐘至餘下少量雞湯, 即成紅洋蔥素天使麵
Mix the paste into the sauce (Step 3). Reduce the heat to medium and boil for 1.5 minutes until the sauce thicken. Serve hot and enjoy!

1 步驟5 如發覺雞湯不夠或太乾身, 可加入清水保持濕潤度


