2016年4月10日 星期日

魚肉釀鳳翼拌蜆蚧醬 (Stuffed Chicken Wings with Carp Meat in Preserved Cockles Sauce)

鳳翼亦即是雞翼, 魚肉釀鳳翼伴蜆蚧醬 ~ 是芊如憑空創作出來的, 這道菜的靈感是原於芊如好鍾意食鯪魚肉和雞翼, 如何能將兩樣嘢夾在一起做成一個菜式呢? 攪攪新意思更用上蜆蚧伴, 味道如想像中般夾, 雖然食材簡單, 但賣相精美, 做派對食譜亦得, 吃過的朋友都食指大動!

脹卜卜的一碟, 很想一口咬下去!

食材 (Ingredients)
雞中翼 10隻 (10 Chicken Wings)
鯪魚肉 300克 (Carp Meat 300g)
胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
蜆蚧醬 隨意 (Preserved Cockles Sauce)

雞翼醃料 (Chicken Wings Marinade)
海鹽 1茶匙 (Sea Salt 1 teaspoon)
白糖 1茶匙 (Sugar 1 teaspoon)
胡椒粉 適量 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
生抽 1茶匙 (Soy Sauce 1 teaspoon)
老抽 0.5茶匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 0.5 teaspoon) 
紹興酒 1湯匙 (Shaoxing Wine 1 tablespoon)
麻油 適量 (Sesame Oil Appropriate) 
生粉 1茶匙 (Corn Starch 1 teaspoon) 

步驟 (Steps)
1 雞翼洗淨, 用廚房紙印乾水份, 切去雞翼的白色軟骨位並去雙骨
Rinse chicken wings and pat dry. Take out the soft bone from both size and pull out the thinner bone and bigger bone

Boneless chicken wings

2 用雞翼醃料醃已去的骨雞翼最少4小時(醃過夜更佳)
Marinate the chicken with chicken wing marinade for 4 hours or overnight

3 將鯪魚肉拌入胡椒粉, 分成10份
Carp meat mix with white pepper flake and divided into 10 sections

4 將鯪魚肉逐一釀入雞翼內
Stuff the carp meat into the chicken wings

5 將釀好的雞翼排放在碟上
Place the stuffed chicken wings onto a plate

6 燒熱油鑊, 先下雞翼面煎至金黃, 反轉再煎至金黃色及全熟, 此時準備蜆蚧
Heat up some oil in a pan. Add in the stuffed chicken wings and fry until golden brown on both side and done, prepare the dipping cockles sauce

7 上碟, 即成魚肉釀鳳翼伴蜆蚧
Dish up, serve hot and enjoy!


1 步驟3 胡椒粉不一定需要, 可因個人喜好加減

2 步驟6 若不想煎, 可隔水蒸15-20分鐘至熟, 又或蒸完再煎, 效果同樣可口


