自從有了慢煮神器後, 一直都很想弄牛扒, 因為在西餐廳的慢煮牛扒一般都不平宜; 今次用的是肉眼扒, 以60°C水溫慢煮50分鐘, 出來時肉質幼嫩又多汁, 吃起來更是原汁原味! 正呀!
食材 (Ingredients)
肉眼扒 2件 (Rib Eye Steak 2 pcs)
調味料 (Seasonings)
海鹽 適量 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
黑胡椒碎 適量 (Black Pepper Flake Appropriate)
雜香草碎 適量 (Mixed Herbs Appropriate)
橄欖油 適量 (Olive Oil Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1 用慢煮神器預熱水至60℃, 將調味料塗勻牛扒兩面
Use Sous Vide stick to preheat water to 60℃ and generously season both sides of the steak with seasonings
2 將牛扒放入高溫煮食袋內抽真空
Put the steak into food-grade cooking pouch and vacuum seal
3 封密好的牛扒放入一鍋 60℃的熱水內慢煮 50分鐘
Submerge the food pouches in the water bath and cook for 50 minutes
4 牛扒從煮食袋取出, 印乾水份
Remove the steak from the pouches and pat the surface dry
5 用橄欖油燒紅平底鑊, 將牛扒煎香
Heat olive oil in frying plan. Sear the steak
6 切件, 即成慢煮牛扒
Slice the steak and serve hot!