2015年3月7日 星期六

煎釀豆腐卜(Fried Stuffed Tofu Puff)

豆腐卜可以做出不同的菜式, 多少少功夫把魚肉釀入豆腐卜中, 賣相精美又好味

食材 (Ingredients)
豆腐卜 200克 (Tofu Puff 200g)
鯪魚肉 300克 (Carp Meat 300g)
蔥粒 隨意 (Spring Onion Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
海鹽 0.5茶匙 (Sea Salt 0.5 teaspoon)
白糖 0.5茶匙 (Sugar 0.5 teaspoon)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
生粉 1茶匙 (Cornstarch 1 teaspoon)
麻油 隨意 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 豆腐卜清洗乾淨, 用廚房紙印乾水分, 開邊及把內裏的豆腐蓉拿掉 

Rinse Tofu Puff and pat dry. Halve tofu puff and remove the white inside

2 鯪魚肉加入調味料拌勻 

Mix the carp meat with the Seasonings and spring onion

3 把調好味的鯪魚肉釀進豆腐卜中 

Stuff the carp meat mixture into the each tofu puff evenly

4 下油燒熱平底鑊, 將釀好的豆腐卜先煎魚肉那邊, 4邊4面煎至金黃色, 盛起即成煎釀豆腐卜
Heat the non-sticky pan with oil until hot. Add in the stuffed tofu puff and deep fry till cooked and brown. Dish it up and serve

因為想即煎即吃, 故此今回沒有回鑊打芡, 但味道十足而且豆腐卜仍然脆卜卜


