2015年2月18日 星期三

榨菜粉絲九肚魚 (Steamed Bombay Duck Fish with Salted Mustard and Glass Noodles)

做這菜時才發現家中缺冬菜, 原來用榨菜也好吃, 九肚魚和榨菜的質感一軟綿綿一爽脆, 非常清新!

食材 (Ingredients)
九肚魚 10條 (10 Bombay Duck)
粉絲 適量 (Glass Noodles Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
薑絲 少許 (Ginger)
榨菜 隨意 (Salted Mustard)
魚露 1茶匙 (Fish Sauce 1 teaspoon)
白胡椒粉 隨意 (White Pepper Flake)

步驟 (Steps)
1 九肚魚去頭及内臟(亦可找魚販代勞), 洗淨及用廚房紙印乾水份 

Discard the gills, innards and head of bombay duck fishes (try to ask fishmonger to help), rinse the black membrane thoroughly and the whole fishes, then pat dry

2 用温水浸軟粉絲, 薑切粗絲, 榨菜洗淨切絲, 備用 

Soak glass noodles in warm water, shred ginger and salted mustard, set aside

3 將九肚魚切成長方型, 排放在碟上, 在魚身撒上薑和榨菜絲, 浸軟的粉絲及魚露 

Bombay Duck cut into pieces, put it on the plate, add shredded ginger, salted mustard, soaked glass noodles

4 燒熱鍋中水, 隔水蒸10分鐘, 食前加上白胡椒粉, 即成榨菜粉絲九肚魚 

Steam it over high heat for 10 minutes, Dish it up and add some white pepper flake. Serve it hot


