整理雪櫃時很多時也會發現一些剩餘物資, 不想浪費時也可以簡簡單單做個美味小菜
食材 (Ingredients)
韭菜 數條 (Few Chinese Chives)
雞蛋 3隻 (3 Chicken Eggs)
調味料 (Seasonings)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
雞粉 少許 (Chicken Power Appropriate)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Appropriate)
步驟 (Steps)
1韭菜清洗乾淨後, 切成韭菜粒
Chives season with Seasonings, set aside
3 將雞蛋用叉子打成蛋液, 備用
3 將雞蛋用叉子打成蛋液, 備用
Add the chives with the eggs and mix well
5 大火起鑊待油熱後, 將蛋液倒入, 轉中火慢慢煎至金黃, 即成韭菜煎蛋
5 大火起鑊待油熱後, 將蛋液倒入, 轉中火慢慢煎至金黃, 即成韭菜煎蛋