記得小時候上茶樓除了叫點心外, 父母親亦會點客乾炒牛河, 怕我們不夠飽; 長大了怕肥, 久不久才會吃一次乾炒牛河, 但大多是油淋淋的, 食完好似塗左一層厚厚的潤唇油咁, 雖然自家煮未必像酒樓般夠鑊氣, 但小鹽小油, 牛肉新鮮之餘河粉仲可以炒到一條條!
食材 (Ingredients)
牛柳 150克 (Beef 150g)
河粉 400克 (Flat Rice Noodles 400g)
洋蔥絲 0.5個 (0.5 Shredded Onion)
薑絲 適量 (Shredded Ginger Appropriate)
芽菜 50克 (Bean Sprouts 50g)
韭黃 適量 (Chives Appropriate)
牛肉醃料 (Beef Marinade)
白糖 0.5茶匙 (Sugar 0.5 teaspoon)
生抽 1.5茶匙 (Soy Sauce 1.5 teaspoons)
老抽 0.5茶匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 0.5 teaspoon)
生粉 1茶匙 (Corn Starch 1 teaspoon)
清水 1茶匙 (Water 1 teaspoon)
食用油 1茶匙 (Oil 1 teaspoon)
麻油 少許 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
生抽 2茶匙 (Soy Sauce 2 teaspoons)
老抽 1.5茶匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 1.5 teaspoons)
步驟 (Steps)
1 先把牛肉洗凈, 用廚房紙印乾水份, 橫紋切片
Rinse beef and wrap dry with kitchen papers. Thinly slide across the grain
2 牛柳用牛肉醃料醃約30分鐘, 備用
Mix with marinade for 30 minutes. Set aside
3 河粉撕開成一條條, 備用
Separate the rice noodles before frying
4 燒熱油鑊, 爆香牛肉至7成熟, 兜起備用
Heat up oil in frying pan and stir-fry the beef until they are 70% cooked. Set aside
5 再燒熱油鑊, 下洋蔥炒至軟身, 加薑絲, 芽菜和韭黃炒熟撥至鑊邊, 放河粉在鑊中央, 炒熱後, 把所有在鑊邊的材料炒勻
Heat more oil, add onion and stir fry until fragrant. Then add ginger, bean sprouts and chives. When the bean sprouts are softened, push all the ingredients to the sides of pan. Then add the flat noodles in the center of the pan, stir-fry until it is really heated up and mix all the ingredients together
6 下調味料快手炒勻或用筷子快手兜勻, 試味, 味道不夠, 此時可以再加一點生抽調味, 把7成熟牛肉回鑊炒好拌勻, 上碟即成乾炒牛河
Add the seasoning and stir-fry. Taste it. you can add more soy sauce if needed. Toss back the beef and combine all the ingredients. Serve hot and enjoy!
1 河粉在麵粉店買新鮮的, 回來後不用過冷河
2 河粉表面已有很多油份, 炒時不用下太多油炒
3 用平底易潔鑊炒亦可減少使用食用油份量
河粉 400克 (Flat Rice Noodles 400g)
洋蔥絲 0.5個 (0.5 Shredded Onion)
薑絲 適量 (Shredded Ginger Appropriate)
芽菜 50克 (Bean Sprouts 50g)
韭黃 適量 (Chives Appropriate)
牛肉醃料 (Beef Marinade)
白糖 0.5茶匙 (Sugar 0.5 teaspoon)
生抽 1.5茶匙 (Soy Sauce 1.5 teaspoons)
老抽 0.5茶匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 0.5 teaspoon)
生粉 1茶匙 (Corn Starch 1 teaspoon)
清水 1茶匙 (Water 1 teaspoon)
食用油 1茶匙 (Oil 1 teaspoon)
麻油 少許 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)
調味料 (Seasonings)
生抽 2茶匙 (Soy Sauce 2 teaspoons)
老抽 1.5茶匙 (Dark Soy Sauce 1.5 teaspoons)
步驟 (Steps)
1 先把牛肉洗凈, 用廚房紙印乾水份, 橫紋切片
Rinse beef and wrap dry with kitchen papers. Thinly slide across the grain
2 牛柳用牛肉醃料醃約30分鐘, 備用
Mix with marinade for 30 minutes. Set aside
3 河粉撕開成一條條, 備用
Separate the rice noodles before frying
4 燒熱油鑊, 爆香牛肉至7成熟, 兜起備用
Heat up oil in frying pan and stir-fry the beef until they are 70% cooked. Set aside
5 再燒熱油鑊, 下洋蔥炒至軟身, 加薑絲, 芽菜和韭黃炒熟撥至鑊邊, 放河粉在鑊中央, 炒熱後, 把所有在鑊邊的材料炒勻
Heat more oil, add onion and stir fry until fragrant. Then add ginger, bean sprouts and chives. When the bean sprouts are softened, push all the ingredients to the sides of pan. Then add the flat noodles in the center of the pan, stir-fry until it is really heated up and mix all the ingredients together
6 下調味料快手炒勻或用筷子快手兜勻, 試味, 味道不夠, 此時可以再加一點生抽調味, 把7成熟牛肉回鑊炒好拌勻, 上碟即成乾炒牛河
Add the seasoning and stir-fry. Taste it. you can add more soy sauce if needed. Toss back the beef and combine all the ingredients. Serve hot and enjoy!
1 河粉在麵粉店買新鮮的, 回來後不用過冷河
2 河粉表面已有很多油份, 炒時不用下太多油炒
3 用平底易潔鑊炒亦可減少使用食用油份量